Q. What is the use of Test Director software?
Test Director is Mercury Interactive's software test management tool. It helps quality assurance personnel plan and organize the testing process. With Test Director you can create a database of manual and automated tests, build test cycles, run tests, and report and track defects. You can also create reports and graphs to help review the progress of planning tests, running tests, and tracking defects before a software release.
Q. In the defect life cycle, if you find a defect in QC and think that it is not a valid defect. what will you do? Just close it or store it in any document for future review, if yes what type of document and where?
In the above scenario, the defect can be rejected.
Q. Can you install Quality center in Vista?
No, we can not install QC in Vista.
QC supports the below plotforms:
-Windows 2000 with service pack4
-Windows XP with service pack2
Q. What are the tabs in Test Director? Explain each tab.
2.Test Plan.
3.Test Lab.
4.Defect Track
Q. How to switch between two projects?
Suppose there are 2 projects P1 and P2.
You are already logged in to project P1, then see in the right hand side of the application, there is an option called TOOLS, click on that and you will get a option CHANGE PROJECT, click on that and then click on select, u can move to the project P2.
Q. In which tab are test cases stored in Test director?
In Test Plan tab test cases are written for the requirements which are written in Requirements part. And these test cases are executed in Test Lab. If the test fails directly we can link that defect to Defects with specific ID.
Q. Can we add user defined fields to Test Director?
Yes, we can add the user defined fields in QC 9.0, but not in TD 8.2.
Q. How to map requirements with test cases in Test Director?
There are separate tabs for requirements and test cases (Test plan). For each requirement, there is an option using which we can select the corresponding test case and map to it.
Q. What is the main purpose to storing requirement in TD?
To map the test cases against specs so that one can find if there is any missing coverage.
Q. How can we save the tests Executed in test lab?
We can select the test which we want to save right click on it.click on save as, then save it in any format like excel, word, xml etc.
Q. What is the Purpose of Creating Child Requirement
To add low level requirements for the parent requirement.
Q. How many types of reports can be generated
Requirements Coverage Report
Planning Report
Execution Report
Defects Report
Q. What is RTM in test director?
RTM is known as Requirement Traceability Matrix.
By RTM, the Requirement of the user can be identified with the exact software workings and the tested action and bugs reported for that particular requirement can be matched and identified in detail.
Q. What is connection between test plan tab and test lab tab? how can u access your test cases in test lab tab?
Test Plan tab has all the Test Cases written or uploaded for particular project's requirement. It is the Test Lab tab where Test case execution is done by creating same folder structure as in Test Plan tab and pulling the respective Test Cases in the grid.
Q. Explain how to link Quality center with QTP . Please provide detailed step for connectivity.
You have the option in your QTP tool bar to connect to QC, Also you can connect through File menu , click on File -> Quality Center Connection it opens Quality center Server connection window with default URL.
Click on connect -> Enter Username, Password.
Q. What is connection between test plan tab and test lab tab? how can u access your test cases in test lab tab?
Test Plan tab has all the Test Cases written or uploaded for particular project's requirement. It is the Test Lab tab where Test case execution is done by creating same folder structure as in Test Plan tab and pulling the respective Test Cases in the grid.
Q. Can you write test cases without mentioning the requirements?
Yes, you can write test cases without using requirements. But its not recommended.
Q. What is the Extra tab in QC?
In test director we have requirement tab, test plan tab, test lab, defect tab. Apart from these all QC have business component and dash board tabs.
Q. What is connection between test plan tab and test lab tab? How can u access your test cases in test lab tab?
Test plan tab is used to create the test case and we can also write step by step description of the test and the expected results. Test lab tab is used to execute the test case.
To access the test cases that are created by you is by using your username and login.
Q. How do you create Test script from Quality centre Using QTP?
In QC test scripts will be generated in test plan module, by creating the tests in which you need to write all the steps needed for the testing should be written first in manually then clicking on the script generate button in design steps, then QC will prepare a dummy script in test script tab now open the test script tab and click on the quality center button, now the tool will be opened automatically, after u need to write the script, save n close the same script will be reflected to the qc test script tab, that's why qc generate the test scripts.
Q. What is the difference between Quality Center and Test Director?
Quality Center is the advanced version of Test Director. In QC there are two extra tabs called Business Component and Dashboard which is used to prepare graph. Given below the complete difference between the two in details:
Subject | Test Director 8.0 | Quality Center 9.0 |
Technology |
Operating Systems | Microsoft Windows |
Clustering | Single server only | Full clustering support |
Database Connectivity |
Repository | Domain repository (TD_Dir). | Repository divided into two subdirectories:
Virtual Directory | Virtual directory name is tdbin |
Supported Databases |
Site Administrator Data (domains, projects, and users) | Data stored in the doms.mdb file | Data stored in the Site Administrator schema on a database server |
Common Settings | Data stored in the file system | Data stored in the database |
User Authentication | Windows authentication | LDAP authentication |
Q. What is the last version in TD to support for qtp?
The last version of TD is 8.0. Version 9.0 is called QC (Quality center).
Q. What are the tabs in TD?
Test Director mainly have four grids
1. Requirements
2. Test plan
3. Test lab
4. Defect
Q. TD is web based or client/server?
It is a client server not web based tool. It will maintain client server architecture where server is the database with stores the test information, and client is qc center machine by which the data stored will be retrieved and the server n client r communicating with active x controls.
Q. What is the latest version in TD?
Latest Version Of QC is 9.5. Before that the latest version of TD was 8.0.
Q. How to map test cases with requirements in test lab?
First go to the test lab and select the test case that needed to be mapped. On the right hand side of the test lab select the requirement coverage tab and click the select requirement tab, requirement tree is displayed on the right side. You need to search for the requirement that need to be attached or you can find by requirement name in the find box. Then click on the add to coverage (This is shown in the requirement tree with the arrow). This will add a requirement to the test case. Now you can close the requirement tree.
Q. How do you prepare Bug Reports? What all do you include in Bug Report?
Bug report preparation:
1.Click on Track defects tab (mandatory)
2.Click on Add
3.Enter all the details like below:
Summary:---> What test you are performing? say GUI test on a particular window
Detected by: tester who found the bug
Assigned to: developer who will be fixing it.
Test set:
Project id:
In status field there r 6 options:
New: when the bug is detected for the first time
Open: after sending the bug report to the developer
Rejected: when the bugs are found in the modified version of the application that is sent by the developer
Re-open: when the bug report is sent to the developer for subsequent no of times.
Fixed: when the modified version of the application is found free from bugs.
Closed: the status is selected by the QA Lead after verifying the test to confirm whether it is passed.
Q. How can we connect defect report from test lab & test plan tabs?
Actually when u link the defect to any test that indirectly linked to the requirement 1st way, be in test plan module select the test for which u want to link the defect n go for linked defects tab n a list of all defects will be shown in that select the defect which has to be linked 2nd way be in defect tab open the defect which u want to link click on linked entities select the test which needed to be linked to the current defect
Q. How to upload test cases from excel sheet to Quality center test plan section. How to upload data (written test case in excel) to Quality center?
First install the excel add ins present in QC/TD, then you will get the option upload to TD of your excel sheet under Tools menu. Then click on Tools. Then rest is self explanatory as you follow the steps u will find.
Q. What is the purpose of Dashboard in Quality Center? Mention the advantages of dashboard?
Dashboard functionality is introduced in Quality Center as an Add-in, if a user wants to analyze the their test measurement in a more explanatory way you can use Dashboard, using the Dashboard functionality you can see the Test Measurements in Graphical way and in Charts with different filters.
Q. How do we find that there are duplicate bugs in Test Director or quality center?
Open the Defect Manager tab, you can see "Find Similar Defects" button, enter defect description in short, in the Find Similar Defects panel that opens. You can get similar defects.
Q. Can we also write test cases in test director instead of excel or word if yes, how?
Yes, we can write test cases in TD also. In TD you have Test Plan Tab. In that first you map/create a requirement and create a test and using the "Design test" sub tab in "Test plan" tree you can write test steps.
Q. In automation testing (QTP), how we find the bugs?
In QTP after recording your application, you need to run it to check whether it is failed or passed. Once the application is executed, test result window displaces the result of the execution. In that it gives us a where it failed and the detail description about the failure.
Q. How we do the smoke testing?
Smoke testing will be conducted to ensure whether the most crucial functions of a software work, but not bothering with finer details. Smoke Testing is conducted by testing team on receiving of each build as to check whether build/release given is stable and it can be considered for further testing.
Q. What do you mean by Requirement Coverage?
Requirement coverage comes under Functional Coverage Criteria - Test Development and Optimization
a. Where to Find Requirements
b. Traceability
c. Testability
d. Attributes of Testable Requirements
e. Test Matrix
Q. How to write test cases if we have, given requirement and template?
In the test cases we will write Test case number, Name ,Date of the test , Objective and the test steps .If someone has more idea about test cases.
Q. Can we have dependency between to bugs in test director? Like Bug #10 is dependent on Bug #1?
Here is the scenario. I'm raising Bug#1. Another person has raised Bug#10. Bug #10 can be dependent on Bug#1. And when the new build is delivered after a fix, Bug#1 needs to tested again followed by Bug#10. This is the procedure that needs to be followed.
Q. Can we maintain test data in test director?
yes we can maintain the test data in TD...if ur uploading the excel sheet as well as when ur writing the test cases directly in TD, when you write test case in TD you can see a separate column for test data.
Q. How we load the test script into test director?
Here we have an option like ADD-INS in TestDirector. By connecting Win Runner Add In to the TestDirector we can load the test scripts as mentioned below:
step 1:create test scripts in WinRunner as usual.
step 2:Now we are trying to save it in TD.
Tools--> Test director connection-->same URL
(TD)..connect...close connection between WinRunner & TestDirector
File--save--save test to TestDirector Project
then save GUI
save--GUI map editor...save GUI file to TestDirector project
Q. Have you integrated your automated scripts from Test Director?
When you work with WinRunner, you can choose to save your tests directly to your Test Director database or while creating a test case in the Test Director we can specify whether the script in automated or manual. And if it is automated script then Test Director will build a skeleton for the script that can be later modified into one which could be used to test the AUT (Application Under Test).
Q. How to run several tests at a time using test director, with out using automation tool? (for example if i have given 20 tests to test director for running purpose in today's night i want to check the test results next day) how to do this ?
Click on the Run test Set under Test lab in that you have the option of running the test Automatically or manually, you can either select all test to run or just 1 test. The run can be done Locally or remotely...by creating a host or adding new host in the list. Please use the user Guide for further details.
Q. Where and how do you write test cases in TD? What steps i.e. how do you change status of bug in TD?
All test cases we will write only in Test plan and Then those test cases pull from test plan to Test Lab. Where as Consider Defects, we can choose Defect Status based using defect Status field.
Q. How to generate Test case id in Test Director? a)Testcase id 1, b)Testcase id 2, c) TestCase id 3 d) Test case id 4?
1. Go to requirement tab,
2. Go to view.
3. click numeration
This generates ID or numbers to the test cases and requirements
Q. How can we connect test director to WinRunner and database?
An add ins for winrunner or QTP should be downloaded and installed from Test director. This enables to integrate Test director with winrunner allowing to design and run winrunner tests and to view the results in Test director
Q. How can i post the results to a site once I run the test set in Test Director?
While testing the each steps in the Test lab there will be the actual results and drop down box contains all information for ex pass, fail, no run, etc there u can select the option and you can give ur actual comments in the actual field
Q. How many Reports can be generated from Test Director?
They are four type of reports can be generated in TD
1. Test requirements
2. Plan Test
3. Run Test
4. Track Defect
Q. What are disadvantages of Test director?
TD does not support formatting and hence the test cases need to be saved in the plain text.
Q. What is the role of snap shot in Test Director?
Using this feature we can log a defect with corresponding screen shot, so it will give appropriate understanding
Q. If you delete a test from Test Lab will it be updated in Requirements/Test Plan tabs also?
No, It will be not reflected in Requirements/Test Plan. For each build/release we create a new test bed set in the Test Lab.
Q. What is test set?
Test Set is nothing but group of test cases stored in Test Set builder from which the tests can be executed in chronological order.
Q. Yesterday night you have given some scripts to run and went home. Today morning you come to office and want to check the result in Test Director (TD). How will you check this?
By checking the Status column against each test case script in Test Lab tab in TD that depicts whether test case got passed or failed.
Q. How to fetch data from excel sheet using Test Director?
Go to Add In menu in Test Director. Find the Excel Add in and Install it in you machine.
Now open Excel. Click on Tools > export to TD and follow the steps.
1. URL of Test director.
2. Domain name and Project Name
3. User name and Password
4. Select any one of these 3 options: requirement or test case or defects
5. Select a Map option. A. selects a map b. Select a new map name c. Create a temporary map
6. Map the TD to Corresponding Excel. Map the field whatever you mentioned in Excel.
7 & 8 are not required; those pages will be shown by TD as process and exported successfully.
These are the required steps to export excel into TD.
Q. How to execute test case in TD?
There are two ways:
1. Manual Runner Tool for manual execution and updating of test status.
2. Automated test case execution by specifying Host name and other automation pertaining details.
Q. Where do you maintain the test cases for the project for automation testing using Test director?
We can maintain the test cases in test director or in the qtp tool. We can save project related documents in the Visual Source Safe (VSS).
Q. How do you configure test cases in test director for automation Testing?
To configure Test scripts you need to Connect to the TD URL and run the scripts from there. You can connect by using Connect---> Enter the URL where TD is present and give the username and password of that particular project in TD. and then you're done.
Q. How do you execute the test cases in Test Director?
Execute test cases in
TEST LAB tab--->execution grid---->use RUN or RUN TEST
Then say execute in next window...u can say passed/failed, then write for expected result and actual result, then close and come back to test lab.
Q. Which is the latest versions of WinRunner ,QTP, Test Director companies now using in real time?
QTP 9.5
Win Runner 9.2
Load Runner 9.2
Quality Center 9.2
Q. What is Test Bed?
Test Bed means the collectivity of test data and test guidelines. Test beds are the environments in which the standard tasks may be implemented. The purpose of a test bed is to provide metrics for evaluation (objective comparison) and to lend the experimenter a fine-grained control in testing agents.
Q. How you upload test cases in to TD?
Note: In excel add-in for exporting the test cases to TD should be installed.
In an Excel sheet type the test cases in the following format in each column:
Path - Test Case ID - Description_1 - Step Name- Description - Expected Result
In the excel sheet select Tools -> Export to TD. Wizard appears, just fill in the wizard and map the columns. Click Finish. your test case will be uploaded to TD.
Q. What is Test case coverage?
Test case coverage is nothing but the test cases written for the coverage of a particular test scenario that is coverage in Traceability Matrix